Workshop Overview
This workshop is designed to elevate the educators skills and effectiveness to authentically implement differentiation practices in their individual classroom contexts.
Participants will critically reflect on their current pedagogical foundations and strategies and be given a set of tools that will allow them to further personalise and maximise levels of challenge, relevancy, engagements and significance of the engagements and assessment they design for their learners. Participants will also reflect on their current pedagogical strengths and be given individual guidance on further developing their teaching repertoire and craft.
The workshop will build on the four fundamental components of differentiated instruction: content, process (instructional strategies & assessment), product (modes of expression) and learning environment and add a scaffolding of tools, methods and strategies for each of those pillars.
By completing this workshop, educators will:
- Understand the key elements of differentiated instruction
- Be able to expertly design differentiated instruction, processes and environments
- Be able to confidently and comfortably differentiate instruction based on students’ prior knowledge, interests, and learning needs
- Be able to understand, design and apply differentiated assessment