Embedding Project-Based Learning in STEM Education

Workshop Overview

Designed for middle and high school teachers and leaders, this workshop aims to support teachers to use the Project Based Learning framework to create authentic learning experiences in the classroom.

Throughout the workshop, participants will delve into the fundamental concepts of project-based learning, exploring its benefits and significance in STEM subjects and how to effectively integrate project-based learning (PBL) into STEM based subjects. They will gain a deep understanding of why PBL is a valuable teaching approach and how it can foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills among students.

We will look at PBL design principles, practical strategies and frameworks for designing units of work as projects and incorporating projects within existing units. Participants will be introduced to various frameworks, such as the engineering design cycle, which will serve as a guide for creating effective and meaningful project-based units. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity develop a unit of work with a project focus.




Shilpa Kapur

Shilpa is a UK-trained Science educator specializing in Biology and Chemistry. She has worked as Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Head of Department, Grade level leader and IBDP CAS coordinator in international schools in UK, Belgium and Zurich. A diverse and skilled leader and believer of flexible learning experiences founded on the principles of educational neuroscience, she has a Master’s in International Education from University of Bath, UK and is currently the Head of Science at Inter-Community School, Zurich