Workshop Overview
Compassionate systems leadership (CSL) integrates the cognitive (i.e. thinking) and affective (i.e. caring) domains of learning by supporting learners to grow their abilities to see and understand the complexity of the systems within which we live and work and to live compassionately at work and beyond. It can be applied across contexts and content areas. It is relevant for all those who seek to grow a sustainable culture of well-being for their communities.By participating in compassionate systems leadership workshop, participants can expect to:
- Develop the skill sets of a systems thinker: seeing how different parts relate to the whole and how elements that are seemingly unrelated are actively influencing each other (often indirectly and with significant delays).
- Become aware of mental models, the need to uncover them, and search for sustainable global solutions.
- Develop skills to deal with emotion without being overwhelmed or “emotionally hijacked”.
Participants will have an immersive experience encompassing systems thinking tools, social-emotional learning (SEL), and contemplative practices. Practicing with systems thinking tools, participants will learn how we can make changes in systems, see systems at work in human interactions, and consider the SEL skills and practices they wish to embody, extend, enact, and embed in their school/program/work (with a particular focus on resilience and well-being).